MIRIAM LYONS - The Drum 18 July 2013

You need to commit to 31 minutes to watch the whole clip. It is very well worth the time spent.

And if you know nothing about Miriam Lyons you would enjoy listening to her. I fell in love with this woman's mind and the wonderful incisive way she thinks and articulates issues of importance.

Try the various options below or alternatively try this ActiveX Control to view the MOV clip straight away. Give it time to connect/download as it is 326 Mb in size.


Miriam Lyons speaking on the Drum in July 2013


For all the following it is best that you Click Right and choose "Save Target As. . . ". When downloaded play with the software of your choosing.

Miriam Lyons - The Drum 18 July 2013 MPEG2.mpeg   BEST QUALITY. Click Right and Save Target As . . . It is 923 Mb in size so will take a some time to download

Miriam_Lyons/Miriam Lyons - The Drum 18 July 2013.swf    This may well play from here, but the quality is not good. It is 141 Mb in size.

Miriam_Lyons/Miriam Lyons - The Drum 18 July 2013.mov   326 Mb

Miriam_Lyons/Miriam Lyons - The Drum 18 July 2013.qt   268 Mb

.swf = shockwave flash

.mov = quick time movie

.qt = quick time movie

All the clips are best if downloaded.

You may have more control over the clip if you download it. Choose the one you think will work best on your system.

Miriam Lyons speaking on the Drum in July 2013 Miriam Lyons speaking on the Drum in July 2013
Miriam Lyons speaking on the Drum in July 2013 Miriam Lyons speaking on the Drum in July 2013