Creation Corporation Mission Page

Creation Corporation Pty LimitedMission Statement

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Our Mission - Serving the NSW Central West Region

Creation Corporation Pty Limited's philosophy and ambition is to create for you a full range of Interactive Multimedia Products and other Media Products in line with the following philosophy and intent:

In a world where communication needs to be trusted, creative imagination implies moral responsibility...
Any message should not only be succinct and effective, but true to its global heart.
As we embrace a future of positive 21st century collective ideals, our imaginative truth must never falter.
At the heart of any application lies the desire to connect...

Cutting edge is mind and soul over matter...
No amount of computer power instantaneously guarantees effectiveness of audience engagement or fecundity of data inference.
The medium is not the message; the medium only conveys it...
At a time of perceptional evolution, where messages and complex lateral meanings are relayed at near light speed, meaning must always try to approximate immediate perceived truth...
Truth has always been human - cohesive, warm and affirmative.

Messages must touch the heart through the mind, with no sense of manipulation.
Honesty of communication allows for no other spin than the shape of the meaning within the message itself.
The process of developing a message which will be perceived in any context to be true requires definition of intent and form.
These definitions must harmonise corporate, public and personal aspirations and beliefs in a manner that is beneficial to the whole.

Creation Corporation offers a service unique in its understanding of messages and media.
With informal affiliations to major national networks and educational institutions, and a sound understanding of communication shapes for the 21st Century, the Corporation has harmonized itself within technologies, message strategies and project development rationalisations to create a rendering facility capable of dealing with any requirement.

The effectiveness of any interface is driven by the need to touch, and the clarity of that interface is defined by human need.
Creation Corporation is empathic with it...

(Text created by David Young for Creation Corporation Pty Limited. Text Copyright 1997 Creation Corporation Pty Limited.)

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